Sogeti Teampark

Sogeti – Teampark Enterprise Collaboration

Als project manager was Johan in 2009 verantwoordelijk voor de wereldwijde implementatie van het Sogeti Enterprise Social Collaboration Platform. In de eerste fase was hij mede verantwoordelijk voor de pakketselectie en de afstemming op directieniveau. Vanaf april was Johan verantwoordelijk voor de participatie in het IBM Bèta programmma voor de uitontwikkeling van het nieuwe pakket […]

Sogeti Frankrijk

“During the Teampark Project, implementation of the social platform for Sogeti Group, I was working for Johan. Johan was able to manage this project in a very difficult environment, and to close the project as a success. He has proven all is communication, management, and project management skills” Flavien Boucher, Practice Leader IBM, Sogeti (FRANCE)


“Johan did an amazing job at planning and launching Sogeti’s Enterprise 2.0 platform based on Lotus Connections. The platform, named TeamPark, has received world wide recognition. Without Johan’s contributions, I’m not sure TeamPark would have been the success it is today.” Luis Benitez, Enterprise 2.0 Consultant, IBM